28 Sep St Mary’s Community Open Day
For details of St Mary's Community Open Day on Saturday 9 October 2021 click on the link below. Community Open Day poster...
For details of St Mary's Community Open Day on Saturday 9 October 2021 click on the link below. Community Open Day poster...
Following the success of its inaugural Sunday Market in July, a second Shortlands Market is to be held from 10am-2pm on 10 October. It will take place in Valley Primary School Car Park in Beckenham Lane. The Market is being organised by and for the local...
To download the first newsletter for the Shortlands Station Community Trail click on the link below. Newsletter No. 1...
For details of the the programme of Tea & Topics on Mondays afternoons at Shortlands library click on the link below. Tea & Topics...
Dear Residents Hope you’re all well. Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st Sept to 15th Sept. Unfortunately we’ve seen a rise in burglaries recently. Large houses converted into flats have been targeted. With at least one of them I know that entry was...
There is a new scam alert from Bromley Trading Standards. For details click on the link below. Computer takeover scams...
These were provided by another of our neighbouring Ward DWOs in Hayes and Coney Hall Ward, PCSO Adam Lighterness. "Firstly, please be aware of a new ‘phone scam going around. We have had a resident contacted by someone claiming to be from M&S banking alerting the...
Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 16th Aug to 31st Aug 2021. Good to see the crime rate remains low. Remember to make sure your shed and/or garage is secure even if you don’t have anything particularly expensive in it. As shown...