
Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st Sept to 15th Sept 2020. Looking at the four crimes reported, when it comes to vehicle security, try and park the rear of your vehicle against a wall to make sliding under to steal...

As always, there are also scams to warn you about. One recent scam is aimed at the over 75’s regarding TV licences and appears as a form to fill out, complete with an area for banking details. This could appear as an email or a...

Bromley has seen an increase in catalytic converter thefts over the past couple of months. Although Hayes and Coney Hall have only had a few reported it is well worth remembering some of the crime prevention advice around this; especially as there are lots of...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period 16th August to 31st August 2020. Two thefts from motor vehicles and two burglaries occurred during the fortnight.  Both thefts from the motor vehicle offences were catalytic convertor thefts.  The best way to stop your catalytic...

Shortlands Residents’ Association (SRA) is backing Bromley Council’s proposals to designate Shortlands Village as a conservation area, to help ensure future development in the Village does not damage its present unique character. It is also encouraging all its members to support these proposals and respond...

Dear Residents Fortunately, we’ve managed to go 2 weeks with no motor vehicle crime, burglary or other offences of the type I let you know about - so there’s no attachment. Very pleasing to see and hope I can send more emails like this. Please continue to report...

Dear Residents Please see below the crime record for the period 16th July to 31st July.  Apart from a spate of theft from motor vehicle & vehicle interference between the 14/07/20 & 16/07/20 the crime rate was generally low.  From the crimes mentioned you will see...

Shortlands library will be reopening on Monday, 3 August 2020, Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm. As lockdown continued the return dates for the books were put back, and new charges have temporarily been suspended, so no one should have fines.  Books reserved...