
Dear Residents Hope you’re all well. Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st July to 15th July. Apart from two small spates of motor vehicle crime we’ve been mostly crime free in Shortlands over the past fortnight. Remember not to leave valuable items in unattended...

At its meeting on 14 July Bromley’s Development Control Committee will discuss whether to undertake a public consultation exercise regarding the potential designation of the Shortlands Village Conservation Area.  Designating the village as a conservation area means that planning applications would be required to either...

Dear Residents Please see below the crime record for the period from 17 June to 30 June 2020. Fortunately we’ve had no burglaries.  There were three thefts of vehicles, a similar number of thefts from vehicles and an attempted fraud.  It is best to keep your vehicle keys in...

Criminals are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to try and get their hands on your money and personal information. To date, Action Fraud has received reports from 2,378 victims of Coronavirus-related scams, with the total losses reaching over £7 million. There are some simple steps you can take...

Dear Residents Hope you’re all well.  Please find below the crime record for the period 1st June to 15th June.  Unfortunately,  the last two weeks have seen a bit of an increase in crime on Shortlands.  This may be due to the fact that people are out...

Please see below the crime record for the period from 15th May to 31st May. We had three "theft from motor vehicle" offences.  Two of these involved valuable items being stolen from vehicles and the other a catalytic convertor theft. Remember not to leave valuable items in...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st to 15th May. Two thefts from motor vehicle and no other offences to report. In order to reduce the risk of your catalytic convertor being stolen try and park your vehicle either in a garage...

You can download the latest advice from Bromley Trading Standards on avoiding scams during the coronavirus outbreak....

Since our last post dated 7 April there have been further significant developments. It needs to be kept in mind that there are two separate but linked planning issues. The first relates to plans to convert the existing buildings into a single shop but, in the most...

Bromley formed part of “Bomb Alley” in the Second World War as German bombers headed to and from central London. Many homes were damaged or destroyed, along with St Mary’s church. Local resident Linda Baldwin has compiled a list of casualties from Shortlands during the...