
The Ravensbourne Valley Residents association has alerted the SRA to the fact that new railings that have been erected by Shortlands Golf Club outside its car park in Ravensbourne Avenue. As these railings are nearly 2m high there may be planning implications. For more details...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st August to 15th August. Unfortunately the last two weeks has seen quite a lot of thefts of motor vehicle offences. Steering wheel locks and Faraday Cases are still both good tools to reduce the chances of...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 16th July to 31st July. I’d like to draw your attention to the two theft from petrol pump offences in Westmoreland Road as this seems to be a new type of criminal activity which could result in...

Thames Water will be closing Shortlands Road, Shortlands from Monday 31/07 for up to three days whilst they complete essential maintenance on their water main. The closure will be a directional road closure affecting only Southbound traffic at the junction of Bromley Road (by Shortlands Station)....

Dear Residents Please see below the crime record for the period from 1st July to 15th July. Very sad to see that someone could be cruel enough to steal an elderly person’s mobility scooter.  Sadly, like many other vehicles, it seems they may only be safe when kept securely...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 20th to 30th June 2023. Very pleasing to see no burglaries in the last fortnight but unfortunately we’ve seen a theft of tools from a van.  I’ve noticed a change in theft of motor vehicle patterns.  The...