20 Jan Local Crime Update 17/01/2023
Dear Residents
Hope you’ve all had a good start to 2023. Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st Jan to 17th Jan 2023.
Very pleasing to see we’ve had no thefts of motor vehicles yet this year.
It was excellent to see that officers from the response team were able to get to the burglary in Durham Avenue in time to obtain a suspect description from a witness and then arrest the suspect. A great example of police and public working in partnership.
No major issues to mention at the moment.
On the community interaction side, I attended the Community Café at St Mary’s Church today & enjoyed some very nice chats with residents. I hope to be back there a week today Wednesday 25/01/23. We’ll be holding “cuppa with a copper” events at Costa Coffee, Westmoreland Road on Friday 20/1/23 from 10am to 11am & Thursday 26/01/23 from 11 am to midday.
Our next drop-in surgery at Shortlands Library is on Saturday 04/02/23 from 10am to 11am.
Hope to see some of you at these events.
Thanks as always for your help and support.
Adam CHARLES | PCSO 7572PY | Albemarle House SNT Base
Shortlands Dedicated Ward Officer
SHORTLANDS CRIME RECORD 01/01/2023 – 17/01/2023
- 04/01/23 Mid afternoon. Kingswood Avenue. Parcel stolen from driveway.
- 07/01/23 Mid afternoon. Durham Avenue. Rear window of flat smashed. Following an untidy search jewellery and money were stolen. Fortunately another resident saw the offender and was able to give officers a good description. This resulted in the suspect being arrested after officers carried out an area search.
- 13/01/23 Mid evening. Tootswood Road. Suspect(s) broke into house through upstairs back window. Untidy search of main bedroom carried out. Victim unsure if anything had been stolen.
Theft from Motor Vehicle:
- 13/01/23 Early evening- 14/01/23 late morning. Church Road. Number plates stolen from vehicle.
- 13/01/23 Mid evening- 14/01/23 early morning. Aylesbury Road. Rear number plate stolen.
- 17/01/23 Early morning. Westmoreland Road. Cigarettes stolen from lorry.
Criminal Damage:
- 23/12/22 Mid evening- 13/01/23 early morning. Green Close. Eggs thrown at house.