Local Crime Update 31/01/2023

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Local Crime Update 31/01/2023

Dear Residents

Please find below the crime record for the period from 18th to 31st January 2023.

Very pleasing to see no burglaries but worrying to see an increase in vehicle crime especially theft of motor vehicles of which there were none in the first part of January.  On a more positive note, I’m pleased to see that a steering wheel lock prevented a vehicle from being stolen.  Sadly, criminals seem to have found a new device which makes Faraday Cases and other similar containers less effective so a steering wheel lock could be a good investment.  Remember to take that extra time to make sure you take valuable items indoors from your vehicle when you arrive home and advise any workman you have to keep their vehicles locked even when working next to them.

On the community engagement side, we’ll be holding a drop-in surgery this Saturday 04/02/23 from 10 am to 11 am at Shortlands Library, Shortlands Road and visiting Valley Primary School for an internet safety talk.  We also hope to pop into St Mary’s Church this Sunday 05/02/23 for the after-service tea and coffee.

Be great to see some of you at the library or church.  If you have, or know of, any children that go to Valley Primary School,  I hope they will enjoy our talk.

Thanks as always for your help and support.

Kind regards


Adam CHARLES | PCSO 7572PY | Albemarle House SNT Base

Shortlands Dedicated Ward Officer


SHORTLANDS CRIME RECORD 18/01/2023 – 31/01/2023

Theft from Motor Vehicle-: 

  1. 19/01/23.  Mid afternoon.  Wickham Way.  Tools & sports bag stolen from van.  Doors left unlocked as victim was working within sight of vehicle.
  2. 20/01/23-21/01/23.  Overnight.  Valley Road.  Handbag stolen from car.
  3. 29/01/23.  Overnight.  Pickhurst Lane.  Airpods stolen from vehicle
  4. 31/01/23.  Overnight.  Downs Hill.  Document stolen from vehicle.
  5. 30/01/23-31/01/23.  Overnight.  Barnfield Wood Road.  Purse containing cash & cards stolen.

Theft of Motor Vehicle-: 

  1. 21/01/23.  Overnight.  Farnaby Road.  Vehicle stolen from driveway.
  2. 25/01/23.  Overnight.  Mays Hill Road.  Vehicle stolen from communal car park.
  3. 26/01/2023.  Overnight.  Kingswood Avenue.  Vehicle stolen from driveway.
  4. 27/01/2023-28/01/2023.  Overnight.  Broad Oaks Way.  Vehicle parked on Road stolen.

Vehicle Interference-: 

  1. 31/01/23.  Overnight.  Suspects used device to enter vehicle in order to steal it but were unable to due to steering wheel lock.