Author: SRA

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st April to 15th April. Fortunately the overall crime record remains low.  If you have a shed with expensive items in it, it’s worth investing in a good quality lock.  Never leave your shed unlocked.  Very pleasing...

Shortlands Residents’ Association and Ravensbourne Valley Residents are jointly organising a hustings for the candidates standing in the Council by-election in the Shortlands and Park Langley Ward caused by the resignation of Councillor Aisha Cuthbert. The hustings are being held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 24 April...

Dear Residents Hope you’re all well and had a nice Easter. Please find below the crime record for the period from 21st March to 31st March.  Pleasing to see that Faraday cases have worked on two recent occasions to prevent vehicles being stolen. For one of these offences we got...

This year's AGM is taking place fairly close to the time of the London Mayoral election and a Shortlands Ward by-election caused by the resignation of Councillor Aisha Cuthbert. In these particular circumstances I think it appropriate to emphasise that the SRA is and has...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 1 March to 19 March 2024 Very pleasing to see no thefts from motor vehicle and only one theft of motor vehicle.  Disappointing to see three burglaries. The garage burglary in Farnaby Road was particularly worrying...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 16 Feb to 29 Feb 2024. Unfortunately we’ve had a lot of motor vehicle crime over the last week of February.  Remember the usual precautions of steering wheel locks, Faraday Cases and not leaving valuable items...