November 2021

For the first time in many years, there is to be a special Shortlands Christmas Market. It is being held from 10am-2pm on Sunday 12 December in the playground of Valley Primary School on Beckenham Lane. It follows the success of two other Shortlands Sunday...

Dear Residents Hope you’re all well. Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st Nov to 15th Nov 2021 . Very pleasing to see a drop in theft of motor vehicle in the last fortnight with just one offence occurring. Disappointing to see both an attempted...

SGN and Thames Water are working together to undertake works designed to improve the local infrastructure, whilst also reducing future disruption. They have identified safety-critical gas and water main upgrade works that need to be carried out in Kingswood Road and are working with the...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 16th Oct to 31st Oct. Very pleased to see no burglary in the last fortnight. All the crime is motor vehicle crime. Remember to try and keep your keys in a metal or foil container and bring...

The Shortlands Poetry Circle is holding  a reading on 13 N0vember 7-9pm from a new anthology from its Writers’ Group, the rainbow comes and goes.  It is upstairs in the Beckenham Methodist Church so quite a big space with plenty of room for reasonable distancing. For...

Bromley council has launched a consultation in the Beckenham and Shortlands area about the segregated cycle lanes on Bromley Road between the junctions with Shortlands Road and Albemarle Road. The consultation consists of just three questions and responses are sought by 17 November. It is anticipated that the...