24 Jan Local Crime Update 15/01/2025
Dear Residents
Please find below the crime record for the period from 31 Dec 2024 to 15 Jan 2025. Overall very low crime. No major issues or new crime types to report. Let’s hope this continues.
We carried out a traffic operation in Scotts Lane between 3pm & 4pm. We were able to get hold of a speed gun. Only one person was caught exceeding the speed limit at 35 mph. Words of advice were given to some.A number of vehicles were stopped for routine checks. There were no issues with any of the vehicles stopped or any of their occupants. All seat belts were being worn & nobody was using a mobile phone while driving.
On the community engagement, I had a very enjoyable visit to the youth club at St Mary’s Church on Sunday (12/01/24).
Our next Cuppa With A Copper will be on Thursday 30/01/25 again from 4pm to 5pm. I hope you’ve all had a good start to 2025. Thanks as always for your help and support.
1. 31/12/24 Mid afternoon. Westmoreland Road. Four heavy duty batteries stolen from BT Openreach cabinet.
2. 06/01/25 Late evening-07/
3. 12/01/24 Westmoreland Road. Parcel stolen from communal area of flats.
Theft of Motor Vehicle
1. 05/01/25 Early to mid morning. Barnfield Wood Road. Vehicle stolen from driveway. White Jaguar F Pace Estate.
1. 15/01/25 Mid morning-late evening. Ravensbourne Avenue. House broken into through rear door. Money & passport stolen.
Theft from Motor Vehicle
1. 15/01/25 Mid afternoon-mid evening. Ravensbourne Avenue. Number plates stolen from vehicle on road.