Local Crime Update 31/10/2024

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Local Crime Update 31/10/2024

Dear Residents

Please find below the crime record for the period from 16 Oct to 31 Oct ‘24.

Good to see the overall crime record’s very low. Re mobile phone snatches I‘d strongly advise you not to carry your phone in your hand while walking along the street.  If you need to use your phone in the street, stop in a well-lit area and keep an eye on those around you while using your phone.

On the community engagement it was good to see a number of you at last week’s Panel meeting. We held a Cuppa With A Copper session on Tuesday 29/10/24 at Costa Coffee in Westmoreland Road.  I’m hoping to attend the community café at St Mary’s Church this Wednesday (6/11/24) and we’ll be holding another Cuppa With A Copper session on Thursday 07/11/24 at Costa Coffee, Westmoreland Road from 4pm to 5pm.  Hope to see some of you there.

Thanks as always for your help and support.
Kind regards
Adam Charles
PCSO 7572 SN
Shortlands & Park Langley SNT
SHORTLANDS CRIME RECORD 16/10/2024 – 31/10/2024


  1. 16/10/24 Mid morning.  Martins Road.  Phone snatched from victim’s hand as he walked to station to catch train to work.
  2. 22/10/24 Mid morning.  Ravensbourne Avenue.  Heavy duty batteries stolen from BT Open Reach cabinet.
  3. 23/10/24.  Early evening.  Beckenham Lane.  Mobile phone snatched from victim’s hand by suspect on scooter as he walked along road.
  4. 26/10/24.  Late afternoon.  Beckenham Lane. Electric bike stolen from outside shops.


  1. 14/10/24 Mid evening-15/10/24 early evening.  Reported on 16/10/24.  Westmoreland Road.  Bicycle stolen from garage.

Theft of Motor Vehicle:

  1. 16/10/24 Late evening.  Ferguson Close.  Vehicle stolen from driveway.  Grey Toyota Rav 4.
  2. 16/10/24 Late afternoon.  Shortlands Grove.  Vehicle stolen from driveway.  Blue Ford Eco Sport
  3. 22/10/24.  Overnight.  Shortlands Road.  Vehicle stolen from driveway.  White Toyota Rav
  4. 28/10/24.  Overnight.  Malmains Way.  Vehicle stolen from outside house.  Black Mercedes AMG GLC.

Criminal Damage:

  1. 26/10/24 Early evening.  Bushey Way.  Security light ripped off wall after suspect had climbed over fence from neighbour’s garden.  No sign of attempted break in.
  2. 30/10/24 Early evening.  Shortlands Road.  Glass in bus stop smashed.

Theft from Motor Vehicle:

  1. 29/10/24 Late evening-30/10/24 early morning.  Elwill Way.  Window of vehicle smashed.  Steering wheel stolen.