05 Jan Local Crime Update 31/12/2024
Dear Residents
Hope you’re all well and had a nice Christmas.
Please find below the crime record for the period from 15th Dec to 31st Dec 2024. Unfortunately, we saw a bit of a rise in burglaries over the last two weeks. All were pre-Christmas. Sadly it’s not uncommon to see this in the run up to Christmas. To reduce the burglary rate again, I’d advise any packaging from expensive gifts that you are putting out in the rubbish and recycling to be inside a sack, dustbin or recycling box. Leaving it on open display gives a clear indication to burglars that these items are in your home. Very pleasing to see we’ve had no thefts from motor vehicles for two weeks and good to see a drop in thefts of motor vehicle.
On the community engagement side, we’ll be holding a drop-in session at Shortlands Library from 10am to 11am this Saturday 04/01/24. The next Ward Panel meeting’s a week today (Tuesday 07/01/24) at 7.30pm in the Friends Room at St Mary’s Church. Our next two Cuppa With A Copper sessions will be on Saturday 11/01/24 from 3pm to 4pm, and Friday 17/01/24 from 4pm to 5pm. The venue will be Costa Coffee, Westmoreland Road. Hope to see some of you at these events.
I’d like to close by thanking you all for your help and support this year and wishing you a Happy New Year. However your celebrating, stay safe.
Theft from Motor Vehicle
- 15/12/24 Overnight. Marina Close. Sunglasses stolen.
- 17/12/24 Overnight. Mays Hill Road. Money and parcel containing trainers stolen.
- 19/12/24 Mid evening-20/12/24 early morning. Highland Road. Money stolen from car.
- 17/12/24 Mid afternoon-late evening. Farnaby Road. Christmas presents stolen.
- 15/12/24 Overnight. Mays Hill Road. Money & sunglasses stolen.
- 16/12/24. Early-late evening. Kingswood Road. Suspect(s) forced open garage door and entered kitchen/dining room by forcing internal door. Fortunately the door from the kitchen to the rest of the house was locked and they were unable to get through. Prior to entry suspect(s) had tried to force a front window and a back door. Nothing stolen.
- 17/12/24. Overnight. Mays Hill Road. Garage in grounds of flats broken into after suspect(s) broke lock. Two bicycles stolen.
- 18/12/24. Afternoon. St Mary’s Avenue. Back door left open. Suspects disturbed after victim’s neighbour knocked on front door.
- 18/12/24. Afternoon. Den Road. Glass in back door smashed. Jewellery stolen.
- 21/12/24-26/12/24. Glass smashed in rear window. Property searched. Bank cards stolen.
- 15/12/24 Mid afternoon. Westmoreland Road. Parcels stolen from doorstep of flat in secure block.
- 18/12/24 Early evening. Oakway. Parcel stolen from doorstep. Victim’s Ring doorbell picked up delivery driver placing parcel on doorstep taking a photograph then walking off with the parcel.
Theft of Motor Vehicle
- 17/12/24 Late evening-18/12/24 early morning. Elwill Way. Vehicle stolen from driveway. Blue Toyota Rav 4.
- 18/12/24 Late afternoon St Dunstan’s Lane. Suspect on bicycle approached victim grabbed him by the coat. Asked victim to unlock phone before taking it and riding off
- 18/12/24 Late afternoon. Glassmill Lane junction with Mill Vale (attempted). Male saw two other males who he believes previously robbed him and his friends. Hid phone inside underwear. When they called him over on the pretence of asking for a cigarette, they searched him but found nothing they wanted to steal.