Local Crime Update 30/11/2024

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Local Crime Update 30/11/2024

Dear Residents

Please find below the crime record for the period from 19th Nov to 30 Nov 24.

Unfortunately, we’ve had two burglaries in the last fortnight both of which occurred when victims were at home. Regarding the Durham Road burglary it is advisable not to leave small windows open overnight if they make it easy to reach in and open larger windows which can be climbed through. The victim for the Beckenham Grove burglary was in his study at the time which is at the rear of his flat.  The rest of the flat was in darkness so from the front it looked completely dark, giving the impression no one was in.  When it’s dark, perhaps leaving a light on at the front of your home could be a good deterrent if you’re in a room at the back for a long period of time. Even though someone’s at home it could be an idea to use timer switches in a situation like this.

Recently we’ve had a couple of steering wheels stolen from vehicles. A steering wheel lock (mainly used as a tool for preventing theft of motor vehicles) could help in putting off criminals who are looking for steering wheels to steal.Keeping your car keys in a Faraday case or other foil, metal or tin container is also a good, general safety measure.

On Wednesday 27/11/24 we carried out a vehicle check operation in Barnfield Wood Road and Wickham Way.  Unfortunately, no speed guns were available.  We stopped a number of vehicles (25 in all over a 2-hour period), checking the driver’s insurance and details, and that vehicles were not stolen.  Although we were in a position to give fixed penalty notices, everyone was driving safely and all were compliant with the speed limit.  Everyone had their seatbelt on and no one was using a mobile phone which was very pleasing to see. We will be carrying out further vehicle check operations on Friday 06/12/24 and Monday 23/12/24.

On the community engagement side, the following events are coming up-:

  • Friday 13/12/24 4pm to 5pm.  Cuppa With A Copper.  Costa Coffee, Westmoreland Road.
  • Saturday 04/01/25 10 am to 11am.  Drop-in surgery.  Shortlands Library, Shortlands Road
  • Tuesday 07/01/25 7.30pm.  Ward Panel Meeting.  Friends Room, St Mary’s Church, Kingswood Road

Look forward to seeing some of you at the above events.

Thanks as always for your help and support.
Kind regards
Adam Charles
PCSO 7572 SN
Shortlands & Park Langley SNT
SHORTLANDS CRIME RECORD 15/11/2024 – 30/11/2024

Theft of Motor Vehicle

  1. 20/11/24 Mid morning.  Farnaby Road.  Vehicle stolen from road outside house.  Vauxhall Corsa.
  2. 23/11/24 Late evening-24/11/24 early morning.  Pickhurst Lane.  Vehicle stolen from outside house.  Green Hyundai Ioniq.
  3. 30/11/24 Late afternoon-01/12/24 mid morning.  Woodlea Drive.  Vehicle stolen from driveway.  Black Jaguar S Pace.

Theft from Motor Vehicle

  1. 22/11/24 Late afternoon-early evening.  Cumberland Road.  Number plates stolen.
  2. 24/11/24 Late evening-25/11/24 early morning.  South Hill Road.  Number plates stolen.
  3. 27/11/24 Mid afternoon-early evening.  Winchester Road.  Number plates stolen.


  1. 22/11/24 Mid afternoon.  Beckenham Lane.  Bottles of wine and chocolate bars stolen from convenience store.  Staff assaulted when they tried to stop suspects.
  2. 22/11/24 Mid morning.  Barnfield Wood Road.  Parcel stolen from letterbox.

Criminal Damage

  1. 25/11/24 Late afternoon-early evening.  Station Road.  Back windscreen of vehicle smashed.


  1. 28/11/24-29/11/24 Overnight.  Durham Road.  Suspect(s) reached through small window to open larger window and enter house.  Phone, money and Christmas presents stolen.
  2. 30/11/24 Late afternoon.  Beckenham Grove.  Rear window smashed.  Occupant came face to face with suspect and scared him off.

Vehicle Interference

  1. 29/11/24 Early evening.  Warren Avenue.  Victim caught three males sitting on his motorbike.  Fled when challenged.