Law And Order

Generally Shortlands is one of the most crime-free wards in the whole Borough of Bromley. The SRA is part of the Shortlands Safer Neighbourhood Ward Panel, which includes our local police, residents and Councillors. When it meets every two months the Panel reviews the current local crime picture and agrees law enforcement priorities in the Ward for the future – currently tackling theft of and from motor vehicles, tackling anti-social behaviour, including speeding, and safeguarding vulnerable people.

This section of our website includes a fortnightly update on crime in Shortlands Ward and, when necessary, warnings about scams being run in our area. Below is the latest fortnightly crime report, prepared by our PCSO Adam Charles…

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 16 Jan to 31st Jan 2025. Unfortunately, during the last two weeks of January both Shortlands & Park Langley and Beckenham Town Centre & Copers Cope wards were hit hard for burglaries.  All bar one of...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 31 Dec 2024 to 15 Jan 2025.  Overall very low crime.  No major issues or new crime types to report.  Let’s hope this continues. We carried out a traffic operation in Scotts Lane between 3pm & 4pm.  We...

Dear Residents Hope you’re all well and had a nice Christmas. Please find below the crime record for the period from 15th Dec to 31st Dec 2024. Unfortunately, we saw a bit of a rise in burglaries over the last two weeks.  All were pre-Christmas.  Sadly it’s not uncommon to...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st December to 14th December ‘24. Although overall the crime rate remains low it was very worrying to see an aggravated burglary take place.   Fortunately, I’m very glad to say that the victim recovered fairly quickly from...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 19th Nov to 30 Nov 24. Unfortunately, we’ve had two burglaries in the last fortnight both of which occurred when victims were at home. Regarding the Durham Road burglary it is advisable not to leave small windows...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st Nov to 15th Nov ‘24. Recently there seems to have been an increase in cycle thefts and mobile phone snatches. Worryingly with the cycles that have been stolen, all were locked and two of them were in...

Bromley Trading Standards is warning residents not to purchase fireworks from unlicensed retailers and to only buy from trusted retailers. Fireworks sold by unauthorised sellers can be potentially dangerous and some types of fireworks are not intended for public use. Please make sure to only purchase...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 16 Oct to 31 Oct ‘24. Good to see the overall crime record’s very low. Re mobile phone snatches I‘d strongly advise you not to carry your phone in your hand while walking along the street. ...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st Oct to 15th Oct. Good to see that overall it was very low. Disappointing to see the first burglary on the ward for over a month.  Unusual to see a burglary where the car keys were taken...

Dear Residents Please find below the crime record for the period from 1st August to 14th August 2024. Very pleasing to see that we haven’t had a theft of motor vehicle for two weeks and that the last theft from motor vehicle was just over a week ago. Hopefully the...